Technosoft Corporation 

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Technosoft Corporation is committed to providing professional software consulting services for its computer technology dependent customers. This can be taken as a high-level project based software consulting for the client, either on-site or off-site service.

Full Project Development

We develop the full project for the company as an extension of its software systems development function. This begins with complete understanding of the client company's situation, objectives, and constraints. We then put together a team of professionals and put together pieces of software, known as components in the IT industry, as is appropriate to the client, meeting the specifications of the project.

Project Consulting

Proposed and billed on a per-project and per-hourly basis, project consulting offers a client company a way to harness our specific qualities and use our expertise to solve specific problems, design, develop, integrate and/or implement software applications, and develop specific information pertinent to their business.

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